Blog posting ideas that could give you a boost as you’re running out of ideas.

Blog writing ideas

Writing blog posts and information for your website isn’t difficult at first. There’s so much that you can tell your readers about that you may even have a hard time focusing on one subject at a time in each of your early posts. That will wear off, however, and you may experience a writer’s block of sorts. You need to post interesting things for your readers to stay interested, but you’ve run out of ideas.

Be Original About a Common Subject

You can get new ideas by looking for different angles. The same subject can be approached from a few different ways. For example, if you are writing about a baseball game, you can write about it from the perspective of the team in general and the season they had last year. Now you can narrow it down and get more specific. Write a blog from the perspective of the pitcher. Then write one discussing the difficulties of coming into the game fresh without warm up as a pinch hitter. Do the same with your product or service. Write from different angles.

Use Your Competitors to Get Writing Ideas

Take a look at your competition’s websites. Look at them as a reader, not a producer of content. Where there are 10 writers, there are 10 different ways to say the same thing, but each offering a different perspective. Observe their posts and look for a different perspective from which to write. You will also find out what the hot topics are in your industry. Make sure you are including the popular topics in your posts so it appears that you are keeping up with trends.

By looking at comments that are made on other sites and by studying the competition’s posts, you will begin to see what problems may exist in your industry and can address them. Perhaps you know of some solutions to concerns of readers. Use those problems to post your expertise where readers are concerned.

Use Social Bookmarking Sites to See What's Popular

Social bookmarks are a great way to find out what words are being used in conjunction with your industry words. Get ideas by combining those words. For example, using baseball once again, you see that the word ‘technology’ is one of the popular search words. You can write a few articles on ‘baseball technology.’ Perhaps an article on the latest speed guns that track pitching speed would be interesting. That will give you some ideas of combined words to make a phrase on which you can write.

Article Services for Blogs?

Yes, their are article services for Blogs! In fact the SEO Alien has a very affordable articled package that we provide for our customers at a very affordable price. If you are out of ideas or simply out of time, contact the SEO-Alien and ask about our Content Marketing Package.

What Not to Use for Your Blog Articles

Whether you are using an article service or doing it yourself, be sure that they contain original, unique, informative and grammatically correct content. This all carries great weight with Google and the other major search engines.

  • Do not just copy another article and change a few words, that isn't going to cut it.
  • Do not use articles that have EVER been posted on the internet before, regardless of how long ago it was. Google will recognize that your blog is nothing more than an article farm and it can severely hurt your overall rankings.

Are Informative, Relative, Unique Articles Enough?

After saying all that, .. no, informative, relative, unique articles may not be enough to get your site to the top of Google and overall attention you are seeking for your blog . There are millions of sites that provide great, informative and unique reading material, so you will want your articles to stand out from the crowd.

Here are a couple of tips to think about when posting your next article on your blog.

  • When your readers read your next article are they going to think it is worth telling a friend about?
  • Did you mix up the text by using <h2> and/or <h3> tags to make it a more interesting read to both your blog visitor and the Search Engine Spiders?
  • Did you add an image or images to make the article more interesting?
  • Did you use title and descriptions tags correctly on your images and links?
  • Did you use bullets and lists?
  • Are you linking to relative information that will help your reader?

Article writing is somewhat of an art, but is easy to get good at it when you pay attention to a few things that can make your article stand out from the crowd.

Happy article writing and we look forward to seeing you at the top of Google!


About the Author:

The SEO-Alien is a project started in 2009 regarding all things online marketing. The site started out more of a diary of predictions, suggestions and references to things I frequently used for online marketing... before social media marketing was even an option.

I hope you find the information and tools presented here useful and something worth sharing with others.

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