Creating killer Landing PagesThe latest Google updates like Penguin filters, Humming Bird algorithm, authorship and Not Provided search data made several changes in online advertising. The importance of your Landing Pages are now even more important.

Guest post by Evelyn Golston: Fundamental methods and principles stay the same, but at present effective website advertising necessitates long-term marketing and advertising technique, brand development and being familiar with the likes and dislikes of target market.

SEO strategies imply online content marketing strategy, social media advertising and brand publicity. Such SEO analytics like number of back links, Domain Authority and Page ranking still matter, however SEO now involves broader meaning.

Just ignore Page ranking and getting visitors or traffic to certain keywords and phrases, take into consideration about your user’s involvement with your site and retaining attention to your website, product or services rather than just getting attention.

The crucial things that have direct impact on converting traffic and generating leads are the design of website, particularly the landing page.

In this post I will share some important tips to make a killer landing page that will hold your visitor's attention and will drive them to stay on your site.

1st, let's define exactly what a landing page is.

What is a Landing Page?

A landing Page is a web page where you drive targeted traffic in order to convey a message with a specific action in mind. Calls to action (CTA's) would include writing a letter to Congerss, dontating to a cause, requestion more information or a quote.

Important Tips to Make a Killer Landing Page

  1. Answers the visitor's queries

This is actually the most important characteristic of a website landing page. If you have no sufficient information to answer the visitor's queries, users will likely to go away from your website.

This is the reason optimization of keywords for specific inquiries are critical. Even if your website answers typical queries but the main concern is is a suitable landing page available for your users?

For that reason, each page needs to be optimized for various queries. Your homepage should be aimed at answering typical questions. It is best to use long-tailed keywords and phrases for internal pages, specifically if you manage a blog.

  1. Excellent Content

landing pagesWhenever a user takes a glance at the snippets and decides that your link is exactly what he's needed, don't let him down him by providing low quality content. Content must please the users and provide adequate information.

It does not matter what sort of content is on your website landing page, as long as it provides what your user needs, it would be effective.

  1. In-depth articles algorithm

As reported by Google, 10% of people searches focused on thorough and in depth details about a particular topic. Consequently, Google launched the “in-depth” articles algorithm.

This is tackle in the 3000+ words articles featured in Forbes and New York Times. The idea is should you target your website landing page to the concerns that require profound and in depth description, just forget about 500-word articles.

If your website shows up among the “in-depth” articles just once a month, it's going to deliver lots of traffic, organic back links and facilitates your brand's exposure.

  1. Creates a sense of urgency

It should be recognized that high level of competition obligates your content to be distinct and should create a sense of urgency to set apart your site's products or services from your competitors.

Thus, website landing pages needs to look urgent. It must grab the attention of visitors immediately. It must pressure the user to remain on your site, to read your content and eventually purchase something form your site which is your ultimate goal.

  1. Attractive design

The layout of your landing page is equally important. Well organized contents coupled with colorful design and simple navigation creates a pleasant atmosphere to your users. Suitable images are helpful for commanding interest. They can make your content easier to understand.


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