"The better the design, the smoother the functioning of SEO."

Craftily Designing the Web

Good web design is crucial for the growth of a business. Poor web designs can have negative effects on SEO success and its growth. SEO or Search Engine Optimization is a way of tracking the visibility of a website/page in organic search engine results.

It's working is directly dependent on the web design, which is possible with a web design company. The better the design, the smoother the functioning of SEO.

The Working of SEO

The crawler of the search engine gathers information about all the contents available on the Internet about a query which is typed for searching. The crawler then builds an index. This index passes through an algorithm which tries to match all the data with the query. This is SE of the SEO. Optimization part comes into play where the people design the website and write the contents which the search engine will understand and bring to the notice of those searching for a similar matter. 

7 Web Design Mistakes to Avoid

Proper SEO is highly important for attracting customers on the web. The following points should be taken cared of while designing a web:

1. Poor navigation should be avoided

The designer has to carefully think of web design with optimal navigation on all devices (mobile, pc, tablet, etc). The web designer has to think whether an element is easy to click on, what kind of a page is more attractive to the viewer and so on.

2. One must make sure that users do come back on the website without forgetting.

This can be done by sending them PDF via email and gain another subscriber rather than making them download it. It has to be taken care that while linking to other websites, the site remains open in a new tab so that the website is still there.

3. The content should be accessible.

If the customer can’t view the contents of a company on the web it is quite frustrating. Everything should be made easily viewable. The mobile users should be shown equal contents as the desktop viewers. Thus it is better to have only a single version of the website.

4. Too much resource should not be loaded.

This will overwhelm a responsive design and will take longer time for the page to open which will lead to fewer conversions for web pages. Responsive web designs are simple and adaptive.

5. The website should have at least 300 words per page.

Add videos and images to make the content more attractive. Low content will definitely not attract much attention of viewers.

6. The website has to be secure.

If the website is not secure with an SSL certificate obviously viewers will avoid visiting it.

7. Duplicate contents are not to be published. 

An SEO friendly domain name should be used preferably.

Need Help? Hire a SEO Manager!

Since designing and managing is one of the most important jobs on which a company’s progress is dependent most companies hire SEO manager to look into their SEO services. The manager researches and analyses the trends to develop and implement the strategies.

His/Her duties and responsibilities include:

  • Planning and developing SEO strategy and work towards ROI maximization.
  • Performing regular keyword search.
  • Monitoring key SEO KPIs, redirects, click rate, etc.
  • Preparing reports on a regular basis.
  • Understanding buyer persona to better target identified audience.
  • Staying updated with the latest SEO and digital marketing trends.
  • Suggesting improvements in optimization.
  • Interacting and collaborating with web developers and the marketing team.

The online presence of a Company is indispensable. The number of viewers of a site is directly proportional to the frequency with which it appears on the search engine. Hence, more the number of viewers more will be the number of customers.  Hence they need to hire a SEO manager who would be efficient enough to handle the whole process.

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