Get a complete website analysis of your website as well as your competitors! This is the most complete website analysis app that gives you such detailed statistics that you would normally have to use 4 or 5 different resources to discover!
Update: OCT: 25/2013 – The link to BigWebStats now says "
Oops! Google Chrome could not find"
Kept the article anyway in case it was a temporary thing. 🙂
I received an email the other day from one of our followers asking me to check out a new app called BigWebStats that provides complete website statistics and in-depth analysis of your website or even one of your competitors.
I checked it out and was amazed at what detail it actually gave you in several different categories.
Categories of Big Web Stats Website Analysis
- Traffic Estimations for your site
- Traffic Rank
- Traffic Rank Graph by Alexa
Social Buzz:
Gives a complete overview of Social Media stats!
SEO Basics:
- Page Rank
- robots.txt
- XML Sitemap
- WWW Resolve
SEO On-Page Analytics
Gives a compete SEO analysis of these factors of your website including;
- Title
- Description
- Meta Keywords
- Headings
- Images
- Text/HTML Ratio
- Flash
- Frames
SEO Off-Page Analytics
Gives a complete analysis of indexed pages as well as backlinks.

Indexed Pages Analysis

Majestic SEO Website Backlinks Review
Keyword Rankings:
Provides keyword rankings of your website in these categories;
- Keywords
- Impact Factor
- Query Popularity
And if that wasn't enough, it also provides the following as well!
- Domain Information
- Similar Sites
- Site Usability
- Site Security
- Site Technologies
BigWebStats provides detailed Website Analysis Statistics about any website. Using our reliable stats of websites across the web, you can find out how your website is stacked up against your competitors.
You can also get in-depth statistics for your website or even your competitors website.
Excellent job. That's exactly what I was looking for.