If you are not familiar with Triberr, you should be. Triberr calls itself a Blog Amplification Platform. Another way to look at Triberr is as a syndication site for your blog. In other words, each time you post to your blog, that article is automatically pulled into your Triberr profile.
If you have a Triberr profile and have not logged in lately, you better. Go to your old profile link and you are most likely going to get;
Not Found
The requested URL /profile/ was not found on this server.
If you do not have a Triberr profile, you may want to create one. Here is my new page on Triberr
What is Triberr?
The basic principle of Triberr is that each member shares their latest blog posts, and other members amplify the blog by sharing each other's posts to Twitter, as well as Facebook and LinkedIn. As well as Triberr allowing you to syndicate your blog articles, members can also join Tribes based around specific topics and categories so that each blogger is sharing and reading blogs from other similar bloggers.
Triberr recently changed the way things are done and they have added some pretty cool features to their Blog Amplification Platform.
Triberr Changes Everything!
In the past, all you had to do was create a profile at Triberr and add your blogs RSS feed to syndicate and share your blog posts… that is not the case any longer.
In order for you too feed your posts into Triberr, now you will need to how install the Triberr Plugin for your WordPress blog and then add the unique identifer token after the plugin is installed.
And beyond that, they're talking about integrating a new hashtag system that will link posts that may be "#news" or "#funny." Exciting things are in the works for Triberr, and that's great news for bloggers who truly want their blogs amplified.
How to Install the Triberr Plugin for WordPress
1) Create (or update) your profile at Triberr.com by clicking the "Member Login" and complete your profile.
2) Install the plugin to your WordPress site. The will give you a link or you can simply go to 'plugins'->'add new'-> then search for 'Triberr' and install.
3) Activate the plugin within WordPress Admin section
4) Go to Settings -> Triberr Settings inside your WordPress Admin
5) The plugin settings page will have an area to paste in the digit blog token.
6) Paste in the digit code provided when setting up your profile and save.
The next post you write will be imported into Triberr
Oh ya, one more thing, don't forget to go to xeemee and change or add your profile link!
Hi there,
Thanks for taking the time to cover the new changes over on Triberr.
Just a few quick updates…
1) We implemented redirects to the old profiles, so any links pointing to the old profiles URL will be nicely redirected to the new ones.
2) We still accept RSS feeds, so you don't HAVE to use the Triberr WP plugin, but it has it's advantages. Mostly it solves a number of issues RSS feeds typically run into like parsing errors. It also imports your post immediately as opposed to waiting for an RSS crawl, which could take a few hours, depending on when you posted last.
Thanks for the updates Dan!
Is there any improvement in how to control the feeds? I bailed because it was so unbelievably spammy,.
Not sure exactly what you mean by spammy.. it simply takes your 1 blog RSS feed and adds it to your profile page (You say feeds, so maybe I am misunderstanding what you are saying)… the only thing I can think of by spammy is if you are auto-posting it out to LinkedIn/Twitter or Facebook and creating duplicate or triplicate posts? Explain to me a little more of why you think it is spammy and I will look into that… Thanks Harold.