Facebook Users Spend More Time than Google Users

Facebook and Google are different platforms, yet each presents an avenue to many users. When determining whether or not you will choose to open a Facebook page to represent your business concerns, consider that the average Facebook user is on the Facebook site for an...

Social Media Brand Marketing is Evolving

Using newer branding methods and social media to spread the word is growing at a rapid pace. Marketing by using specific branding techniques is becoming increasingly significant according to most professionals. While the fundamentals of marketing are still the same in...

Social Media Driven by Technology

Technology in this Electronic World of Ours is Driving the Way We Now do Business. Technology in this electronic world of ours is driving the way we now do business. This is not news to those who are growing up in a generation of social transparency and technology....

Managing Facebook Comments

When you have a Facebook page in place you know that there will be traffic and that traffic will leave comments. Some will be positive commenting and some may be negative. Part of your page’s traffic might be communication among your ‘friends’ and not directly with...

Better Sharing Equals More Followers in Social Media

The idea behind using social media is to explode your numbers. Your readers are potential customers or clients, so the more people that take a look at your page or read your posts, the more likely you are to gain notability. Facebook probably has the easiest format...

What is Empire Avenue

Is Empire Avenue the next big Social Media Site? It very well may be! There is a pretty new Social Media site gaining popularity in cyber-space that we started using a few weeks ago called Empire Avenue and now that we have a good grasp on it and had time to evaluate...

SEO Alien April 2011 Updates

April 2011 Last month we got a lot of work done! We updated the SEO-Alien with a new theme! We have made the SEO-Alien website a lot more user friendly with new tabs across the top so you can easily locate your favorite pages. New SEO and Social Media Forum! Please...

Using Facebook as a Small or Local Business

Facebook Marketing: Using Facebook and other social media outlets to market your small business can help you to stay afloat when the economy is down. A good social media campaign designed by experts is the fastest way to go viral. A good local Facebook page is useful...

Using Quality Pictures on Your Blog

One thing you can do to enhance the popularity of your blog is to post pictures. People love to look at photos no matter what they are reading about. If you can find pictures that are coordinated with your blog post’s information, by all means post it in the blog....

The Best SEO Methods for Top Search Engine Optimization

There is no doubt that there is a Search Engine Optimization and Social Media expert on almost every corner and we are not saying that to be cynical. We need each and everyone one of them to handle the load! Before we even began the SEO Alien, we knew that there was...

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