7 Tips for More Effective Social Media Marketing

If you're planning on using social media marketing, you're probably wanting to make sure both the time and money you spend are effective. Guest Post by John Johnson: The good news – for you – is that with our seven specific tips below you're going to be...

The Top Three Highest Converting Social Networks

Social networks contribute greatly to the current internet marketing landscape. Recent website and blog troubles resulting from Google Panda and Penguin changes have led many internet entrepreneurs to look towards the more stable world of social media. Guest Post by...

Is a Blog Great for SEO or is an HTML Site Better?

Some people will tell you that the best thing that you can do is build an HTML site for your company and that a blog is useless in this case. They will keep talking about keyword densities and will try to bring in different reasons why it is smart to do so. The...

Why the Changes by Craigslist?

Personally, I have never been a big fan of Craigslist, however I do understand that Craigslist is an invaluable tool for some, especially for Real Estate, but these last changes Craigslist made, I just don't understand why. Over the past 8 years, Craigslist has made a...

SEO 101 – The 5 Most Important Things to Know about SEO

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of convincing the search engines that your website deserves better visibility, or page ranking, because it is an expert authority and highly relevant to people searching for information. Guest Post by Dixie Somers: When...

What is Rooting and Why Should I Root?

Why Should I Root? Android rooting is the process which allows android users, tablet users and others using Android ios to gain Super user powers also known as root access. Guest Post by Arjun Ghimire: Rooting an Android phone means a target of overcoming the...

Simple Tips to Improve Your Website Conversion Rate

Your website conversion rate is the rate at which people fulfill a certain goal that you have laid out on your website. The most common goal is a sale, and so for the sake of this article we shall assume that a sale is your end goal too.

6 Brands Made Famous by One Strong Ad

Many “overnight” successes have actually been toiling away for years before they ever find commercial footing, but some brands nailed it in one shot. Either that, or their first 200 shots were quickly forgotten in the wake of one killer ad. Guest Post by Ryan Currie:...

How to Make Your Facebook Business Page Stand Out

We should all be aware of how dramatic social media sites can impact our businesses. They can increase our traffic, sales, brand, and plenty other aspect if used correctly. Guest Post by Ness Garcia: Unfortunately, there is so much competition nowadays within social...

How To Build Your First Website

Finally the problem that so many people that are beginning on the Internet have struggled with has been solved! Learn how you can easily get your first website online. The information has been laid out for you in four easy to follow videos. Just follow the...

WP Social Slide Pro Plugin for WordPress

Unleash the Social Traffic Wave with this Unique WP Social Slide Pro WordPress Plugin! WP Social Slide Pro is a powerful, easy to use Word Press plugin that allows you to add your social site feeds to a beautifully designed slide out panel. Creating viral traffic has...

How to Use Pinterest to Monetize Pictures

Pinterest is more than just a tool for collecting and organizing things you love. Many do not know they can also be tapped into this opportunity to build their brand and promote their products. Introducing "Pinterest Perfection"! Pinterest represents a massive...

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