by Megan Dennis | May 2, 2019
Where previously only a select portion of the population frequented these e-stores, the multiple payment methods have considerably increased the traffic on these webpages. These are only some ideas that can be used to increase a website’s conversion rate.
by Max Lambert | Apr 25, 2019
Handing out hotel brochures or rack cards can be a good alternative to driving visitors to the website every time they inquire about your business. Here goes your guide to making amazing hotel brochures.
by Sandeep Mehta | Apr 24, 2019
It's an everyday dream for every business to increase its profits. However, for a business to have increased profits in their account, not only do they need to invest on their products quality but also they need to invest in their products marketing department.
by Olivia Perez | Apr 12, 2019
The rise and rise of social media platforms brought with it unprecedented and revolutionary changes in the way we consume information. The idea of viral marketing has greatly the way business is done in all aspects of life; politically, socially and even economically.
by SEO Alien | Mar 31, 2019
Create interactive presentations, infographics, visual reports and documents. Whether you are a blogger, educator, student, small businesses or online marketer, better engage your audience, market products and services with better engaging content!
by SEO Alien | Mar 23, 2019
You may be wondering about how to start a B2B content marketing strategy that will drive sales in 2019. To create a great content strategy you need a powerful website that converts visitors to customers, and strong lead and demand generation content to lead them there in the first place. Here are some tips to create the best B2B content marketing strategy for your team this year.
by Sujain Thomas | Feb 2, 2019
What is Long Form Content Marketing? SEO is all about content marketing, and the converse is also true. Therefore, to succeed in SEO, you must develop a competitive content strategy that works in tandem with your SEO strategy.
by Sujain Thomas | Jan 9, 2019
Choosing a business name is the first step that you must take to set the ball rolling. The importance of naming the company is paramount because it becomes a part of the business identity. The name helps people to relate to the business and brand quickly and is critical in establishing the business on a stable footing.
by Sujain Thomas | Jan 3, 2019
Over the years Google AdWords has benefited online businesses in many ways, however, it is essential to use AdWords in the best way that works for you! If you are still wondering whether you want to opt-in for Google AdWords or not, you can refer to the reasons discussed as follows:
by Deni Dermawan | Nov 25, 2018
Content is the most important to-do when developing a website or blog. This is the thing that determines whether people will fall in love with your website or not. If your content is not useful to your visitors, they will definitely not gonna visit again or follow you and it will make your sites fall.
by Helen Cartwright | Nov 23, 2018
Content marketing, like SEO, isn’t exactly new. Businesses have been using content marketing as part of their overall strategy for years to inform, entertain and attract new customers. But what exactly is content marketing and how can it benefit your company?
by Helen Cartwright | Aug 28, 2018
Content is a rising player in the business world. Social Media, online advertisements, and company homepages all require it. Content presents information for digestion and the way it’s presented has lasting effects on the people ingesting it. There is a wealth of benefit found in engaging content.
by Helen Cartwright | Jul 30, 2018
Marketing and content can help businesses extend their influence and reach a targeted audience. Marketing is about product development, research, distribution, sales, PR, and a connection to each customer.
by Helen Cartwright | Jul 11, 2018
Is Content Really King: How Content Affects Web Conversions When traffic visits your website, it will either be converted into sales or it will slip right through your fingers. What you ultimately want to strive for is Web content that maximizes lead conversions which increases your sales volume.
by SEO Alien | Dec 2, 2017
Developing a content strategy entails putting together several optimization techniques that will best work for a website. Strategies will differ depending on the size of a company, the budget and the target audience.