Where to Keep a Blog in 2019

Have you decided to become a blogger, but have not decided what platform to choose for your future project? There is something entirely to select from – social networks, a separate website or specially adapted blog sites. Let us try to tell you briefly what is what, and at the same time try on the trends of this year's blogging.

Instagram and Graphic Design for Online Businesses

Instagram cannot be termed as merely a social media platform that has immense power to attract a targeted audience to increase the traffic on your business website. It is also a social media platform that is useful to gain vital lessons on designing a website.

How to Create That Perfect Profile Picture

Create that perfect online profile picture. If you want to collect more followers, create new fans and build more trust, it's a must have that you have a profile image on your social media profiles. Here are some online tools to create a great profile picture.

An In-Depth Look on Social Media Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing is the latest trend in the marketing world. It is a combination of old-school and new-school techniques which are celebrity endorsements and social media marketing. Learn what influencer marketing is and how to do it. This article will give you an in-depth look on social media influencer marketing.

Helpful Social Media Statistics

There are about 7.6 billion people in the world currently, and almost half of the global population is reportedly using social media on their desktop and mobile phones (3.19 billion, as per the estimate).

Tips to Create a Responsive Online E-Commerce Website

How Do You Create An Online Store? Creating an online e-commerce store is not as simple as some might think. The base requirements are the same across the board. The difference between online marketplace stores is the design and functionality of the page design.

5 Styles of Evocative Names for Your Business

The name of your company is the first thing people will know about it. Naturally, you are going to want to choose a name that represents what your company is actually all about. Brainstorming creative business name ideas is one of the easiest ways you can set yourself apart from the competition.

Get More Likes and Shares from Websites and Social Media

Regardless of the social media site you are using, you are going to have 4 major types of social media activity that is most typical from people that find you. Each one of these listed below and they all have a different strategy, so understanding the differences is important.

7 Social Media Tools Every Entrepreneur Should Know About

Are you an entrepreneur who has just got started in the world of online business? If so, this is for you! For any startup or any new entrepreneur, the budget becomes an important factor in its marketing, growth, and survival strategy. Here are Social Media tools every entrepreneur should know about.

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