by Alderic Fresco | Aug 21, 2013
The ambiguous term which I often heard is a “SEO Strategy” in concept of search. The question arises that what this term strategy means? Can the term "SEO strategy" be interpreted as a guide to executing individual components of a comprehensive campaign or is it a...
by SEO Alien | Aug 4, 2013
Have you updated to the a new version of WordPress and discovered a couple plugins did not work correctly? Chance are you will have revert back to a previous version of WordPress until the plugins were updated. Here is the way that you can easily go back to a previous version of WordPress in a matter of minutes.
by SEO Alien | Jul 28, 2013
Looking to find and Unfollow people that you have added to your Google+ Circles, but they have not added you back to their circles? What about removing the in-actives? Good News! There is a Chrome App for that! With Google+ you would think there would be no reason to...
by SEO Alien | Jul 20, 2013
Adding a Custom Facebook Tab to your Facebook Page is a pretty simple task as long as you know the steps. This tutorial will show you how to add a custom Facebook tab in minutes. Before we add a custom Facebook Tab to your page, first you must have created a Facebook...
by SEO Alien | Jul 9, 2013
On July 2nd, 2013, Twitter changed their rules and outlawed automatic following-back of new people who follow you, but is it a bad thing?
by SEO Alien | Jun 24, 2013
Facebook has added a new feature to your Facebook comments where you can now upload pictures into your comments. Been a while since I have talked about any Facebook updates, (or for that matter spoke about Facebook at all.) But this one is pretty cool, adding images...
by SEO Alien | Jun 22, 2013
There are so many Twitter tools that will send direct messages, auto-follow, find fake followers, find people that are not following you and much more. Some are free, some are as low as $5.00 a month, but what ones offer the best features? I have been playing around...
by SEO Alien | May 14, 2013
Are you using a LinkedIn Company Page to promote your product or service? A LinkedIn Company Page will give you several other features to get your product or service in front of a targeted audience! A LinkedIn Company Page will not only give you extra visibility on...
by SEO Alien | May 1, 2013
One of the many things you can do with Google+ is Bold, Italic and use Strikethrough text effects in your Google Plus posts. Here is the cheatsheat on how to do that. The more I use Google+, the more I am impressed with all the different features it has available, and...
by SEO Alien | Apr 26, 2013
The future of email marketing is changing and Google Plus is changing how online marketers and businesses alike will capture emails and deliver their email messages. Create and deliver email marketing campaigns easier than ever without even knowing your potential...
by SEO Alien | Apr 22, 2013
Though this article is about using Google plus for real estate, you can apply these same techniques for any niche or business that you are trying to attract people that are interested in what you have to offer. No matter what business you have, Google+ is a fantastic...
by SEO Alien | Apr 8, 2013
Google Plus Hangouts and Event Hangouts. How you set up your Google+ Event Hangout is not that clear and it can be confusing if you are not setting up your hangouts correctly. In my opinion, Google Plus Hangouts could very well create some serious competitiveness with...
by SEO Alien | Apr 3, 2013
Using Google Drive to share documents? Have you explored all the other features Google Drive offers? It offers much more than only file storage! I feel like I have been missing out! Today I was uploading a video from my phone, but instead of uploading it to YouTube, I...
by SEO Alien | Mar 29, 2013
Do you have a you have a YouTube video that you would like to only have visible on your website, but not visible on your YouTube page? There are a couple steps that you will want to take and one in particular that you will want to avoid. I recently made a few mistakes...
by SEO Alien | Mar 17, 2013
If your Blogs Featured image won't show when sharing an article from your blog to Facebook, or you change it and want Facebook to pick up the new Featured image, there is a pretty simple solution. Here is how to make sure that your blogs article image show up when you...