How Much Time Does Small Business Spend on Social Media?
How much time are small businesses spending on Social Media? Are you spending more or less than 6 hours a week? 43% of Small Business spend 6 hours a week on Social Media. (Tweet this stat) 25% of small business spend 6+to+10 hours a week on social media. (Tweet this...Making Sense of the New Google Places
Google made a recent change announcing that Google Places would no longer be called Google Places. In addition to its new name – Google Plus Local – the business listing powerhouse will also change locales, to be housed in Google’s relatively new social networking...Create Articles For Search and Share
Their are several methods that will get you to the top of the Search Engines, but one of the simplest, most effective ways to get your marketing on the first page for popular, competitive searches is by using article marketing. However, their are a few things you can...Basic SEO Strategies That Are Still Effective
Don’t throw out your learned ideas about SEO marketing from last year. Adapt them to fit today’s specific social media formats instead. Are you freaking out because of all the new updates like Google's Panda update and all the other subsequent ones? Whoa! Slow down...Tips for Your Facebook Business Page
Advertising your services and products on Facebook seems easy, but take the time to use basic advertising principles when you create your Facebook Page. You know of Facebook for interacting socially and for promoting business brands. Did you know that you can also use...Time Tested Tips for SEO Success
There are some things that should be done to achieve a good level of SEO for your pages. Make sure that your chosen SEO manager has a good grasp of basic knowledge. After you appoint someone as your SEO company guru, be sure to give them these tips to use if they...Making Your Website Mobile Ready
Mobile use statistics on cell phones, smart phones and tablets are becoming somewhat staggering. In fact, most experts are now predicting that within the next two years, if you have a website that is not compatible with the major brands of smart phones and/or tablets...Get Relevant Data from Google Analytics
Using social media to promote your business is a smart idea. Companies from the largest to the smallest are to be found on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and more. Big business really does nothing without tracking the details and particularly their ROI.
Use These 5 Tips to Jump-start Your Social Media Presence
Your Search Engine rankings are dependent on your internet presence and popularity. Jump-start your presence by using Social Media. You can perform a wealth of tasks, from postings to analyzing the results, to improve your social media presence eventually. Here are 5...Online Business Cards for Mobile Phones
There should be no doubting that mobile marketing is going to be the next great wave and you should get on it now! One of the neater, newest, functional-able tools we discovered is the SavvyCard. Text your business card, email your business card or even add it to your...Boost Your SEO on Facebook
Boosting your presence on Facebook can also increase your Search Engine rankings if done correctly. Facebook page marketing is quite effective if you avoid some common pitfalls.