The Best News Ticker Plugin for WordPress

Adding a scrolling news ticker can give you one a little more action to your website, and there are several things you can do with a news ticker. Download Ditty, the best news ticker plugin for WordPress. Learn more from here.

Protecting Your WordPress Site from Brute Force Attacks

Hackers are not just hacking top websites anymore. Using Brute force attacks, they are looking for every vulnerability on all websites, no matter how big or small. What are you doing to protect your WordPress website from Hackers… or even are you? Website...

Manage All Your WordPress Sites from One Account

Do you own and/or manage several WordPress sites? Tired of having to login to each site individually to update them? Manage all your WordPress Sites from one powerful admin panel with InfiniteWP! If you have to manage multiple WordPress sites, then you know that...

How to Change Border Style and Border Color in WordPress

Add a little extra look to your images on WordPress by changing the border color and/or border style around your images. Here is an HTML 101 lesson for newbies to HTML that will help give your WordPress images a little extra “pop” by simply changing the border style and border colors around your images.

Promoting Your Website's RSS Feed

RSS Feeds are the greatest thing since the invention of sliced bread. OK, that maybe a bit of an overstatement but your RSS Feed is still pretty good. Your websites RSS Feed(s) are perfect for any sort of user to follow what their favorite website is doing without having to constantly check it.

How to Get Google Authorship the Right Way

How do you claim your Google Authorship the right way? It's simple! Starbox is the Author Box for Humans. Professional Themes to choose from, HTML5, Social Media Profiles, Google Authorship. Claiming your Google Authorship the right way may be more important than what...

How to Create a Google Groups Forum

A great way to keep people coming back and to keep engaging your audience is to add a Google Groups Forum to your website or blog. In fact, you really don’t even need a website!

3 Things to Making Your WordPress Blog More Secure

Steps to making your WordPress blog more secure from some of common things that hackers will do to attempt to login to your WordPress Blog. Making your WordPress Blog more secure from hackers isn't that difficult and doing just a few simple things can help keep your...

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