Why and How to Cloak Affiliate LinksOne thing is for sure, email providers hate affiliate links. To ensure a higher rate of delivery of your emails, it's best to cloak those affiliate links. Cloaking affiliate links will not only help your delivery rate, but also help you get more clicks, as well as a few other benefits.

Email services hate affiliate links in your email hyperlinks, but there are other reasons to cloak your affiliate links anywhere you post them.

#1 Building a Trustworthy Link

Let's face it, what looks better to the person reading your link on Facebook, email or any social media site? Which one creates more trust?

1) https://jvz2.com/c/58799/134482

2) https://seo-alien.com/landing-page-monkey

Well, I hope you would agree, the 2nd one looks better. It looks like a link to your website, or if people are not familiar with your website, at the very least it looks like a proper URL and not one with codes and numbers that will create doubt as to whether one has enough trust to click it or not.

#2 Helps Delivery Rate of Emails

Cloaking your affiliate links in emails will for sure help the delivery rate of emails that do not go to spam. The email service will look at that link as a link to your website, not an affiliate link.

How to Cloak Your Affiliate Links

Step One:

First, I am assuming you have a hosted domain name. Login to your c-panel and look for and click the 'Redirects' in your Domain Management section.

domain management affiliate links

Step Two:

Add your redirect. Choose the domain name you would like to use, (if you have more than one) and create a friendly URL.  Then re-direct that URL to your affiliate link.

Add Redirect

Step Three:

  • Select "Permanent (301)"
  • Select "Redirect with or without www."
  • DO NOT choose "Wild Card Redirect"

Step Four:

Test it! Copy the URL you created and post it in your browser. If it works then everything is set-up correctly and you can start sharing more user-friendly affiliate links in your emails and on Social Media Sites!


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 Why and How to Cloak Affiliate Links
domain management affiliate links
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