If your Blogs Featured image won't show when sharing an article from your blog to Facebook, or you change it and want Facebook to pick up the new Featured image, there is a pretty simple solution. Here is how to make sure that your blogs article image show up when you enter your web address or share your post on Facebook.
I recently had a challenge with my blog's article featured image not showing up when either shared on Facebook. As I researched a solution, I noticed that there are many people having the same problem asking for help, but never saw a solution that worked. So to help anyone from going through the hours of frustration that I went through… here is the solution.
Blog Image Won't Appear on Facebook? Here is the Fix!
Go to Facebooks Debugger and enter the entire URL of the post that is not sharing your image and click "debug". You may have "Scrape it Again" a few times over before it catches the new og:image, but it will. Once it does, go back to the article and share it or paste the URL in a post and try it again… your blog image should now show on Facebook! Using this article featured image as an example, I changed the featured image that is shared on Facebook.
Old Featured Image

New Featured Image

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