
What Happens When You Hit Send

What Happens When You Hit Send

More than 100 billion emails are sent and received each day, so we're obviously very familiar with how to send them but do you know what happens when you press send? To us, the sender, it seems like some sort of magic that when you press send, ta dah, like magic, it...

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The History of Infographics

The History of Infographics

Infographics have evolved in recent years and have also proven to get a lot of shares and likes, but what is the History of the Infographic?  Infographics are visualizations of trends, history or anything that you would like to convey information quickly and easily to...

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The Experience of Twitter Marketing

The Experience of Twitter Marketing

Marketing has moved to an advanced level involving use of online platforms to build up customers and generate sales. Guest post by Rebecca Burton: This is evident through the device of online payment forum where customers are able to pay for goods and services online...

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