Mobile Text Messaging PollHow do your texts messaging habits compare? Doing a little research for mobile marketing, we discovered that there is a lot of misinformation on the information available on the amount of text messages actually sent per person. Take our Texting Poll below and then read more below to see how you compare.

There is no doubt that mobile text messaging is increasing, but as we researched just how many text messages are being sent.. we found that the stats are pretty much in line all across the board.. well maybe not.

How Many Text Messages are Sent Per Day / Per Person?

Source – January 7th, 2011 – – "in a 2009 survey… According to Pew Internet, teens are sending an average of 60 text messages per day. That number is up from 50 text messages."

Source – May 26, 2011 – – "The average customer for AT&T sends 621 messages per month. That is an average of 20 text messages per day per person."

Source – September 19th 2011 – – "Canadians send 8 billion texts per month, or roughly 267 million per day… that is roughly on par with the median of 10 texts per day from American adults!"

Source – March 19, 2012 – – "…teens are sending an average of 60 text messages per day. That number is up from 50 text messages in a 2009 survey"

Source – March 22, 2012 – – "Two years ago, the average number of texts for the 12 to 17-year-old age group was 50 (text messages per day)."

So there you have it, it's settled .. the Average # of text messages sent day per person in the United States in 2009 was exactly  10-60. …  + or – 18%

How did you compare?

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