SEO Experts agree that 2018 has been an action-packed year, as far as; Search Engine Optimization landscape is concerned. We have witnessed many SERP changes, algorithm updates, advancements in Artificial Intelligence, a boost in focus on E-A-T or Expertise, Authority, and Trustworthiness associated with web content, the effective implementation of GDPR, and numerous other striking SEO developments have taken place throughout the year.
It is critical to understand the importance of evaluating the progress of your website in the Search Engines over the last twelve months, then identify the key SEO trends that will be dominating the search landscape for the upcoming year and accordingly, re-calibrating your SEO strategy for getting the best outcomes.
2019: Landing Page Guide for Better SEO
1) Create Landing Pages That Are City-Specific
It can be a challenge to get a good ranking for local keywords without a location. While it can be achieved with a little bit of work, it is definitely much easier to get a good rank in local searches if you use location specific web pages.
The website of >Ambient Edge is a case in point; the air conditioning repair and maintenance company has created separate pages for each of the locations it is present. One can find similar examples in Ideal Self Storage, Inc in Pennsylvania and Roto-Rooter.

If you want to take to the ultimate level, you can create separate websites for each of your locations though it is not a step you will find many local businesses taking due to the sheer effort involved.
2) Create Regional or State Landing Pages
Creating more content is not a task that excites most people because of the time involved, however, it has to be understood that it is your content is the crucial differentiater when you want to move up in the SERPs of local searches.
If the prospect of creating numerous city-specific location web pages seems intimidating, it can help to start with the regions instead where you have a presence. Depending upon the convenience, you can also choose to have the pages by the state or even by the county. However, instead of just looking at your own convenience, you should also study the audience profile and purchase behavior to make a choice that will not only increase the organic traffic generation but also improve conversions.

3) FAQ Pages
FAQ pages are perhaps the universal resource for Craig Tuttle Marketing Albany SEO content that users can want. With voice search becoming more popular, there is a paradigm shift in how people are consuming content.
While current trends reveal that around a third of all mobile searches are linked to locations, a survey reveals that in the last 12 months, as many as 58% of consumers used voice search queries for finding local information.
FAQ pages usually contain all the information that there is to know in a structure that is very easy for Google to throw up in search results. You can optimize the results even more if you have the information laid out in snippets.
4) Special Offers and Discounts
It is no secret that local business owners depend on promotions for driving traffic to their stores. Coupons are still heavily used by today’s smart shoppers and local businesses can tweak their offers to make them more relevant to the local environment.
The Trade Winds Resort in St. Petersburg, Florida offers a 13% discount to the residents of Florida in a bid to fill their rooms while the Monterey Bay Aquarium goes to the extent of having a dedicated section for the locals that features special events and discounts.

When the race for the all-important SERP positions is so intense, no discount or offer is too small to make.

5) Host or Partner with Local Events
For a local business to spread awareness or engage in the brand building there is nothing quite like local events. It is not necessary that you host a major event with all its trappings, expenses, and organizational hassles; you can just go ahead and host something that you can exercise control over easily – it could be a chess championship for the local kids, free yoga classes, a talk show on motivation or even a dog show.
Apart from being able to interact with audiences at the event itself, you should use your local web page to announce it and get some valuable mileage.
If hosting an event all by yourself is too steep a challenge, you can collaborate with local events to get the benefit of being able to connect your brand better with the locals. If there are budgetary constraints that limit your participation, you can just go ahead and discuss the event on your webpage; carry the schedule, news, participant profile, rules and regulations, and of course, announce the winners.
6) Blog Content
Blogs have long been a mainstay of SEO and there is absolutely no reason why you as a local business should not also make extensive use of it.
If you are not sure about what content you should publish, think about the major concerns of your customers or even the local community and you are sure to find many eyeballs tracking your page.
You can also post blog content on product announcements, pricing changes, special offers, etc. frankly, the scope of the content really depends on how creatively you can think.

Learn Explore the SEO Trends that Will Be Dominating in 2019 & Accordingly Tweak Your SEO Strategy for Business Success!
Curious about knowing precisely the SEO tactics and strategies that will help you dominate the Search Engine rankings and help get much more revenue next year?
Explore what direction the SEO professionals are heading for in 2019.