SEO is a lot like Love. Both require a good amount of effort and you only reap the real benefits after the courting period. When it comes to both there is a certain checklist I have developed throughout my years that I now live my life by.
This checklist has paid dividends in all of my previous SEO campaigns and has also helped me dodge a few grenades to the heart. I call it the Aires Checklist which I will now share with you below:
Aires Checklist:
1. Keyword Research
The first and most critical step of SEO that will allow you to know which key phrases to tackle and therefore incorporating them into your On-Site SEO and Off-Site SEO preparations. Things to look out for include:
Google Search Numbers
Regarding SEO this means which key phrases within your niche return the highest search numbers? Which translates into love terms as- are you attracted to her? Does she want the same things in life you do? Is she at the same emotional level you are?
Exact Search Numbers
Sometimes key phrases might have a huge broad search amount but if you break it down into exact you might find that the majority of searches include negative keywords. Is she fake? Are you attracted to her just because she is pretty? Is she lying to you when she says she wants the same things as you in life?
Google Results
With most campaigns you should always compare the search numbers with the amount of Google results for every keyword since it might be better to tackle one that has fewer searches but also has less competing results. Is she a player? Does she have many guys chasing after her that you don’t want to compete with?
2. Competitor Research
Don’t spend any money or time (apologies for the repetition of words because we all know time equals money) on any backlinks to the site before finding out what the top ranked websites for the same keywords have done in the past. Only after this research you will know what backlink strategy to pursue and via which link building process.
With regards to Love, before you go around spending loads of money taking a girl out on dates, buying her expensive gifts and jewellery you should find out if she is that type of girl. Some girls are happier to spend time with you eating a burger in pajamas than getting an expensive necklace they might not even relish. It is also not advisable to shower her with gifts straight away as she should like you for you and not just because you have deep pockets.
3. Backlinks
After Competitor Research you now have a backlink strategy in order to gain the same type of backlinks your competitors have. Once that is complete its time to break free and attack as many unique areas as you can. If you previously hit directories hard, now jump into blog / forum posting, then press, then link exchanges, then social, then link bait and see which one retrieves greater results.
Take the girl out to other surroundings, break free from always meeting her at the same bar or café, take her somewhere new and unexpected and see how she behaves. Take her somewhere classy then take her McDonald’s and watch her behavior with close eyes.
4. Social Media
Google is becoming more and more fixated on Social Media especially since their new goal is to rival Facebook on that front. Personally I believe that Social Media will become more valuable than any other form of traditional backlink therefore to grow the SEO you have to grow your Facebook, Twitter and Google+1 Campaigns as these three are the most important Social heads.
Is she the type of girl you can chill out with your friends? Can you take her home to meet the family? Do you want to?
In Summary, SEO and love are both protracted processes but when done right both are extremely rewarding. Therefore if you want to rank top in Google this checklist is a treasured asset and becomes even more valuable if you’re currently single
Wrapping it all up:

About the Author: Aires Loutsaris
Founder of The Marketing Helpline. A KCL Master’s Degree Electronic/Computer Systems Engineer with over 6 years’ experience within the SEO Industry and 4 years’ experience managing SEO Campaigns, the majority of which in the extremely competitive gaming niche. Good team player with an extensive background in all marketing sectors including SEO, PPC, Social Media & Ad buying.