For most business owners, using modern tools to connect with consumers is something they view as a priority.
In fact, over $4 trillion a year is spent by business owners around the world for new technology. If you are the owner of a software as a service (SaaS) business, receiving a small portion of this vast amount of money should be your goal.
With all of the different SaaS companies in existence, you need to find a way to create a competitive edge. Ignoring the need for this edge can lead to low sales numbers and even lower consumer engagement levels. Read below to find out about some growth strategies you can use to take your SaaS company to the next level.
Repurposing Your Existing Content is a Great Idea
As any company selling software as a service knows, providing modern consumers with great blogs, white papers and press releases is must. Most people will do extensive online research before investing in a particular piece of software. If you are trying to create a budget-friendly growth strategy, you need to figure out how to repurpose your content.
For instance, if you have a number of blogs, you can repurpose them as videos. While you will have to pay video marketing professionals for their help with the shooting and editing of this content, it will be worth it. Consumers love being entertained by videos, which is why using your existing content to develop scripts for these videos is a great idea.
You also need to think about using interactive content on your website. This content usually comes in the form of quizzes and surveys. The information you collect from these surveys can help you optimize your SaaS marketing campaigns. Modern consumers love being engaged with this type of content, which means they will have no problem answering the questions in your survey. With the help of interactive content professionals, getting these elements added to your website will be much easier.
Don’t Forget About influencer Marketing
One of the main things consumers look for when researching a SaaS option is social proof. While you can provide this proof with things like positive reviews and demo videos of your product, there are other ways to show a potential customer how reputable your company is. For years, SaaS business owners have used the help of powerful influencers to draw attention to their products. Before you choose to work with a particular influencer, be sure to do your homework.
Ideally, you want to choose an influencer that is both well-respected in your industry and that has a large following. While you may have to pay for the influencer for their endorsement, it will be worth it considering the high value leads they can provide. Creating and maintaining relationships with the right influencers can help you take your SaaS business to the next level. The time and energy you put into cultivating these relationships will be worth it in the long run.
Free Trials are a Must
For most consumers, the “try it before you buy it” philosophy is something they live by. If you are charging a decent amount for your software, you need to show consumers why it is worth it. The only way to accomplish this goal is by offering free trials. Instead of offering the base version of your product during this trial, you need to show a potential customer the full power of the program. By giving your premium content away for free during this trial period, you can easily win over a potential customer.
If you fail to offer consumers a free trial of your program, it will be hard to convince them it is better than a competitor. Most SaaS companies provide new customers with a 30-day trial. A month is a fair amount of time for a consumer to try out a piece of software and decide whether or not it is the right fit for their needs.
Focus on Providing Top-Notch Customer Service
If you are new to the world of SaaS, you may be surprised to learn just how much competition there is in this industry. While developing a superior product is essential for SaaS success, there are many other things you need to do. For instance, focusing on providing your customers with excellent service is a great way to keep them loyal.
Training your team members is essential when trying to provide a high level of customer service. Going above and beyond to solve problems your customers are dealing with will pay off in the long run. In most cases, individuals or business owners that have a good experience with your company will tell their friends, family members and colleagues. This will result in you getting a number of referrals, which is always a good thing.
Optimizing your website for the maximum amount of lead generation is important when trying to grow your customer base. While most business owners invest in blog content and video marketing, they fail to realize how important a well-placed call to action and contact form can be. You want to make it easy for visitors to your website to go to the next level of your sales funnel. Informing them about the next step they need to take is easy when crafting great calls to action.
Every page on your website needs to feature a call to action. By increasing the number of calls to action on your website, you should have no problem increasing the number of sales leads you receive. If you are having trouble crafting these calls to action, working with a content marketing professional is vital.
Don’t Give Up on Growth Strategies Too Soon
The biggest mistake most SaaS business owners make is throwing in the towel on growth strategies too early. Giving these strategies time to pan out will help you generate the new business you are after.
About the Author: Alma Causey
Alma is a Freelance writer by day and sports fan by night. She writes about Fashion and Tech. Live simply, give generously, watch football and a technology lover.
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