Twitter makes it easier to post a Tweet directly from Your Twitter Home page! They are now shortening all URL's with their own

How to Find Your Twitter RSS Feed

Don't like to Use Twitter Directly Because of Long URL'S?

Twitter made it possible to post directly from your Twitter Home page with a long URL because they are now shortening your URL. All posts, (this includes Direct Messages) are now passed through their link service, being converted to a link.

With Twitters new link-shortening feature, now you can post directly from your Twitter Home page with a link of any length into the Tweet box! Your link, no matter how long, will be shortened to 19 characters. You no longer have to worry about using a service like bitly fitting a long link that will cover most of 140-character limit.

Twitter does say that as they role this out, it will only be available to a small percentage of accounts, but will be available for everyone eventually.

Can You Still Use URL Shorteners with Twitter?

Yes, you can continue to use a URL shortener to shorten links, and any tracking metrics (like those from will continue working as before.

For more information on how you can now post Links to Twitter, please visit their Twitter Support page on "How to Post Links (URLs)" from your Twitter Home page.

The Can Protect You From Spam!

Twitter’s is also designed to better protect us from malicious sites that spread malware, phishing attacks, and other harmful activity. Doing it this way, when any link is converted by Twitter’s link service, it is now checked against a list of potentially dangerous sites. When they get a match, Twitter will now warn users before they continue.

The End of the URL Shortener Services?

Does that mean that the fate of the URL shorting services are doomed? For some, maybe. One of the many questions that is being asked right now in the ever changing, always adapting, always growing galaxy of Social Media.

Happy Tweeting!


About the Author:

The SEO-Alien is a project started in 2009 regarding all things online marketing. The site started out more of a diary of predictions, suggestions and references to things I frequently used for online marketing... before social media marketing was even an option.

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